Archives for August 2015

Skinny Lasagna Rolls – Tabler Party of Two

These Skinny Lasagna Rolls taste delicious and are perfect for portion control! I love pasta as much as the next person. But I just can’t eat it often unless I’m willing to gain weight at an alarming pace. And I’m not! That’s why I LOVE this Skinny Lasagna Rolls recipe. My cute husband, on the other hand, would eat pasta several times a week if I served it that often. Usually I make zucchini pasta, which he tolerates. But recently, I just {Read More}

Sunday Features {37}

It’s that time again to party with us at Sunday Features {37}!! There was so much inspiration at the Sunday Features {36} Party!  Thank you for partying with us.  We hope that you are sitting back with a favorite drink as we feature some of our favorites from the party before we kick this week’s off. First up is this Refreshing Strawberry Ice Recipe from Teaspoon of Goodness to help cool you down during the hottest month of Summer…August. . Next…with fresh {Read More}

Is Your Nest About to Be Empty?

It’s that time of year again… College freshmen packing up, ready to move into the dorm at the school they’ve been daydreaming about all summer long. The excitement is growing. Adventure and fun await! But then there are mom and dad, left staring at each other in the empty nest. How did this happen? What shall we do? For some couples, the void in the empty nest can feel huge.  Suffocating. Like a black hole that might just swallow them up.  But {Read More}

Lessons I Learned on My First Periscope

I finally did it! Yep, I did my first Periscope on Saturday and my second one on Sunday. And guess what? IT REALLY WASN’T THAT SCARY AFTER ALL! That’s right. I decided to just do it and get past the fear. That’s what I did, and I’m positive you can too! Today I want to share some of my thoughts and the lessons I learned from doing my first (and second) scope. ONE I rehearsed my scope ONE TIME by video taping myself… and I {Read More}

Come Join the Party! Sunday Features Link Party 36

Hey friends… Come join the party! And this week really IS a party around here! This weekend marks the One Year Blogiversary of  Tabler Party of Two! Can I get a shout out? 🙂 I’m really excited to be one year into this journey of having a blog and online business. I’ve learned SOOOO much and now I’m really excited to be sharing what I’ve learned with others. One way I’ll be doing that this year is on Periscope. Have you jumped on there {Read More}