7 Bible Verses That Bless Bloggers

Are there bible verses for bloggers? You bet there are! The bible is full of wisdom and encouragement for everything a blogger does, day in and day out. I, for one, want my work to align with God’s work, whether I’m blogging about style, entertaining, travel or anything else! How about you? If you want a dose of encouragement from the Lord regarding your commitment to — and passion for — blogging, then read these seven bible verses that bless bloggers… words {Read More}

Tips & Takeaways from Social Media Marketing World ’15

CLICK HERE TO LEARN ALL ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING WORLD 2016! Social Media Marketing World ’15 was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Kudos to Mike Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, and his team for what appeared to be a seamlessly planned conference for 2,500 bloggers, business owners, social media marketers and more! I learned more blogging and social media tips than I could ever include in one post, so I’ll probably write several. Here are my first four tips and takeaways! Native Video One message {Read More}

3 Tips to Increase Engagement on Facebook

Do you wish your Facebook page had better engagement? Are you doing all you can to optimize your posts? The simple truth is that how and when you post on Facebook has a huge impact on how your fans will respond to your content. Today I will share with you three ways to better optimize your posts and thus increase engagement.  1. Post at the right time for your audience. I know. This sounds like a no-brainer. But if you are like me, {Read More}

What’s New at Tabler Party of Two

  About a month ago, I wrote about my six-month blog-i-versary. I shared, “Within the next few days, I’ll be posting about what God has specifically put on my heart for the future of Tabler Party of Two. He is the author of all my creative endeavors, and I’m so excited for the ideas He has recently given me. I can’t wait to share them with you… so stay tuned!”  Well, this follow up ended up being a whole month and {Read More}

6 Month Blog-i-versary Celebration & Milestones

Wow! This week I’m celebrating the six month blog-i-versary of Tabler Party of Two! It has been a wild ride to say the least, but I enjoyed (almost) every moment of it! It is so humbling to me that I write, create, and photograph stuff and that people actually read it, comment on it, and share it. What a gift to me that is, dear friends! You’ve stuck with me through my grainy iPhone pictures, my awkward fashion photo shoots, my craft and {Read More}