Search Results for: sunday features

How to Host Thanksgiving Like a Pro, Menu and All

This year one of my daughters-in-law will host Thanksgiving for the first time. And hosting the big day for 12 or more people is not for the faint of heart! This post is for Rachel and all the other young hostess newbies this year. Because with proper for-thought and planning, you can indeed be the “hostess with the most-est” and keep your sanity at the same time! PLANNING The most important thing to remember is that the more you can do {Read More}

The Bucket List

  Tom and I recently learned that our beloved, 11-year-old Cairn Terrier, Pumbaa, has cancer. It’s really not treatable because it’s in his nasal passage and has already spread into the bone. We are simply devastated. Pumbaa is the perky, cheerful, adventurous peacekeeper of the Tabler family. He’s also fearless and would go after a dog three or four times his size to “protect” us. He is ever patient with his brother, Rowdie, and all his silly antics. He has even allowed {Read More}

Spicy Watermelon Margaritas

Summer is in the air! At least in these parts. Lazy afternoons by the pool will be here soon, and I have the perfect poolside beverage: Spicy Watermelon Margaritas. This concoction is not your average margarita. It’s a margarita with a real kick to it! It’s the perfect marriage of two of my favorite things: juicy watermelon and spicy jalapenos. With a healthy dose of tequila, of course. If you’re not a fan of heat in your drinks, just reduce the amount {Read More}

Coachella 2015 for the 45+ Crowd

One of the most amazing aspects of living in the Palm Springs area is the diverse array of special events, shows and festivals. When it’s not blazing hot, there’s an event for almost everybody on any given weekend. This week finds the Coachella Valley in the middle of week one and week two of the Coachella Music Festival, one of the biggest events in the desert. Tom and I ventured into the unknown (for us) territory of modern music festivals at {Read More}

10 Practical Tips For New Bloggers (From A New Blogger)

You’ve got your blog designed and ready to go. Maybe you have even written a post or two. While researching tips for new bloggers, you suddenly realize there are about a million things you are being advised to do with your new little piece of blogosphere real estate. It’s impossible to do it all, so where do you start? I officially started blogging three months ago today. Definitely STILL a newbie! I’ve immersed myself in the world of blog writing and {Read More}