27 Ways to Bless and Encourage Your Husband

27 Ways to Bless and Encourage Your HusbandTommy and I just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. Yes, T W E N T Y – S E V E N! That’s a lot of years of living, learning and adventure! We’ve certainly had our ups and downs; in fact, there have been times we may have been tempted to throw in the towel. Thankfully we said vows not only to each other, but also to God. And we don’t take vows to our Creator lightly.

One way we work to keep our marriage healthy and strong is to encourage each other. And so, in honor of our 27 years, here are 27 ways you can bless and encourage your husband.

1.   Don’t let him leave the home without a goodbye kiss.
2.   Tell him you’re thankful for how hard he works for your family.
3.   Allow him to have a bad (read: cranky) day without giving him a hard time.
4.   Make his favorite dinner.
5.   Respect him with your words and actions.
6.   Plan a date and tell him how excited you are to be with just him.
7.   Greet him with a kiss when he gets home from work.
8.   Give him grace.
9.   Ask him for his opinion.
10. Make getting away with just him – at least once a year – a priority.
11.  Pray for him.
12.  Look cute (not super model cute, just YOU cute!) when he arrives home. It can be as simple as freshening up with some lipstick and perfume.
13.  Thank him when he blesses you in little ways. Let him know you noticed.
14.  Tell him he looks handsome. For that matter, tell him he looks HOT!
15.  Be joyful and content.
16.  Show an interest in things that matter most to him.
17.  Tell him he is a great husband.
18.  Do one of his chores, just because.
19.  Don’t nag him.
20.  Attend a marriage conference together to strengthen your relationship.
21.  Make sure you know his love language and work to keep his tank full.  (Read Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages to learn more.)
22.  Tell him he is a great dad.
23.  Praise him in front of other people.
24.  Speak kindly of him to others.
25.  Text or email him while he’s at work just to say you hope he’s having a good day.
26.  Nourish yourself — spiritually, physically and emotionally.
27.  Trust God and live your life that way. It’s not enough to talk about faith; you have to live out faith.

How do you encourage you husband? I’d love to hear!


Andrea Tabler | TablerPartyofTwo.com


Andrea Tabler


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  1. Shana Duthie says:

    Very well written Andrea. I just love this post.

  2. Thank you for this post. Newly married and needed to read this. Thank you!

  3. Great ideas! I do a lot of these. My husband is dirty when he comes home from his job and I hate that I can’t hug him right away. I would love to do a marriage retreat, but I’m guessing that it wouldn’t be top on his list. (I’m the extrovert!)

  4. Kim in Cedar Park says:

    You nailed it….love this Andrea! My Treasure and I will be celebrating 29 years in a few weeks! Great reminder that marriage takes deep commitment, grace and selflessness to thrive! When I decide to put the things on your list into practice I’m blown away how blessed beyond measure my marriage is!!